Yusra Mohammed conducts a tour for guests
before the grand opening at the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro in Tennessee on
Nov. 18. (Photo: HELEN COMER
Story Highlights
- Outlaw sharia and you've outlawed 5 million to 8 million Americans. L
6:09PM EST December 11. 2012 - Iconic poet
Carl Sandburg once was asked what was the dirtiest word in the English language.
His answer might have surprised some people: Exclusive.
tendency to exclude others ” to prejudge and ostracize ” has dogged
humankind and the United States since its inception. The first Jews to arrive in
New York, then caled New Amsterdam, were refused the right even to get off their
ship. When Gov. Peter Stuyvesant's Dutch sponsors prevailed upon him to grant
the Jews admission, they still weren't allowed to vote, hold office or
serve in the militia.
Throughout America's rich history of welcoming "your
huddled masses," this dark thread of bigotry has marred our national tapestry.
First, it was Jews, then blacks, Catholics, gays, and now, Muslims who must
sometimes bear the brunt of our prejudices.
Small wonder. At one time, "exclusivity" was official
government policy. In colonial Virginia, for example, one had to be a white, male, property-owning Episcopalian to
enjoy the full benefits of citizenship. Even today, citizens can lapse into
thinking that "America" has something to do with the color of my skin, where I
go to worship or which language I speak.
No American religion
Being American is about none of these things. It is about the principles
and ideals set forth in our Bill of Rights. Yet even a nation founded on the
premise that "all men are created equal" can find itself slipping into these old
patterns of prejudice and bigotry. The trauma of 9/11 and the fear that it
triggered created the opportunity for such feelings to resurface.
Just look at what's happening. There has been
widespread resistance to the construction of mosques and Islamic centers. The
Pew Research Center cited 53 cases in recent years. Even last summer's attack on Sikhs appears to have been motivated by
misdirected anti-Muslim bias. And it's not just the rank and
file. More than a dozen states have passed or are
considering anti-sharia laws. Oklahoma has amended its constitution.
And what is sharia but the way Muslims must live
and work? Drawn from the Quran, the directions of the prophet Mohammed and the
teaching of Muslim scholars, sharia is prayer and fasting, work and
worship, family. One cannot be a Muslim without practicing some form of
sharia. Outlaw sharia and you've outlawed 5 million to 8 million
Americans. Like the Bible and other sacred texts, sharia is always
subject to interpretation, so sharia does have a dark side. In Egypt's
new constitution, to be voted on in the coming days, Islamic religious law is
used as the basis for restricting fundamental rights for women and
Threatening Islamic law?
But is sharia a threat to
America's legal system? The Constitution prohibits courts or other government
agencies from substituting religious law for civil law. The government may not
compel adherence to the practices of any faith, including Islam.
Now comes an encouraging development. A coalition of more than 20 national
groups — including the Interfaith Alliance, Islamic Society of North America
and a bevy of church groups — recently released a set of consensus guidelines
entitled "What is the truth about American Muslims?" The pamphlet includes
interesting history, including the story of how Muslims first came to the USA.
Most, as it turns out, came aboard slave ships. There is information about
sharia law, jihad, head coverings, honor killings and the Quran.
Fascinating stuff. Kudos to the Interfaith Alliance and the Religious Freedom
Education Project of the First Amendment Center for pulling this off. (Learn
more at religiousfreedomeducation.org.)
The need to resist bigotry in all its forms is not just
about being nice. It's about making America work. Without equal protection and
the free exercise of religion, there is no America. It's who we are.
Oliver Thomas is a Baptist minister, attorney and member of the USA
TODAY Board of Contributors.
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